We've pushed a new version of Screw Notes to production, and there are a few new exciting features we've added!
It's Cheaper
When we first launched Screw Notes we weren't sure exactly how much it would cost to operate. After observing some real use of the service, we crunched the numbers and realised we could lower the price a lot whilst still covering expenses. We want to make sure we're running a service that won't put us in debt, but also not gouge our customers.
So, as of right now, Screw Notes Pro is just AUD$12/year (that's $1/month!). Going Pro gives you unlimited pages and items on each page, and any new Pro features we add in the future!

Probably one of the most requested features we get asked for is sorting - I know I've been wanting it for some of my larger lists. As of right now you can sort lists, simply by dragging the Edit button on each item to move it.

At the moment the item will jump back to where it was temporarily before the sorting takes effect - we're looking at how to stop that happening. Basically it's because the sorting won't take effect until it's actually written to our service, so it's waiting for your record to be updated first before actually showing the change to you.
Page Level Actions
If you're using a page for something recurring, like a Shopping List, you can now bulk complete or bulk restore all the items within a page. Simply click on the Edit button for the page, and use the Reset All or Complete All buttons.

Visual Tweaks
And finally one of the smaller updates we've made is just adjusting the background-to-foreground contrast, so you can see your pages a little more clearly. There are a few more adjustments, but they're so small we won't bother blogging about them :)
If you want to see the new version of Screw Notes, simply go to https://screwnotes.com and check them out! If you're already using Screw Notes, you'll need to open that site, then close the tab and open it again and you should see the changes straight away.