Signata Project Updates - July 2022

This post is a summary of the latest events for the Signata project.

DAO Updates

The transition to DAO ownership has been successful for the project. This was a critical milestone for the project with changes to regulation on the horizon. The community now officially controls the token, with Congruent Labs serving as the custodian. The DAO has been utilised for several project changes now, and has had great engagement from the community:

Issues · congruentlabs/signata-dao
Proposal Management for the Signata DAO. Contribute to congruentlabs/signata-dao development by creating an account on GitHub.

Notable votes that passed were the establishment of a bounty pool for the development community:

SATA Development Bounty Pool · Issue #4 · congruentlabs/signata-dao
The token allocation to be made: 100,000.00 SATA The purpose of the allocation, and a justification as to requiring the modification to be made: To establish a developer bounty fund for the project...

And the establishment of a SATA to dSATA staking pool on OKLG:

SATA to dSATA Staking Pool · Issue #2 · congruentlabs/signata-dao
The token allocation to be made: 5,000,000.00 dSATA The purpose of the allocation, and a justification as to requiring the modification to be made: 24,000,000+ dSATA are expected to remain in circu...

Some of the SATA token supply is still locked within As those tokens unlock they will be moved by the DAO custodian to the DAO treasury.

Documentation Website Changes

Documentation for Signata was previously hosted on Readthedocs. Readthedocs is nice, but the editing experience isn't as good compared to GitBook - especially for defining API endpoint information. The docs website has been transitioned over to GitBook, and so some old URLs you might have may no longer work.

A very useful page is the FAQ page, which addresses some of the questions that have been raised lately:

FAQ - Signata Docs
Frequently Asked Questions
Signata Docs FAQ

In addition to moving the documentation content across, we are also no longer relying on the original whitepaper to reflect the design of the project. Whitepaper's are good, but don't work well as living documents. Instead, the docs website will be used to capture all design information around the dApps under development in the Signata ecosystem.

Veriswap Development

Veriswap is on Ethereum mainnet at the moment, and usable, but it is still undergoing testing and development. Veriswap is an example of a reference implementation for Signata - it shows how to integrate Signata with other dApps and smart contracts so you can build the same.

There are developer bounties open at the moment for you, or any developers you know, to add more functionality to the dApp:

Issues · congruentlabs/
Contribute to congruentlabs/ development by creating an account on GitHub.

Congruent Labs will also continue to expand its capabilities to showcase how to use Signata as more functionality goes live. If you have ideas for additional features Veriswap could include, raise them as Issues on the repository to get them considered!

Hosting Changes

To support decentralisation for the project, services are being transition to hosting on IPFS using Fleek. This means if the normal domain names for the Signata services stop working for whatever reason, the dApps remain accessible on decentralized hosting. URLs for all alternative IPFS-based hosting will all be captured in the docs website.

Twitter Username Changed

The project's official account username has been changed to @SignataOfficial. As the account is primarily talking about dApp development and the DAO, having "token" in the name was incorrect. The new name reflects the project better: