Signata 1.1.0 - Now Supporting XRP

We've been busy making a whole bunch of bug fixes in the last week. They aren't particularly interesting to blog about (they were mainly issues around data encoding when we were saving encrypted secrets, and a few user interface fixes), but it's always exciting to blog about new features!

If you want to keep up to date with what we're doing, follow us on Twitter for more info about any small updates we make to the product and hints about upcoming features.

As of today 1.1.0 is now out, and we've added support for XRP addresses & transactions. And the best part? They don't consume Signata Transfer Tokens!

With our other supported addresses, you have to use our own internal "tokens" mechanism as a form of payment for the service - if you submit a withdrawal of bitcoin, litecoin, ethereum, dash, or doge, then we deduct a Transfer Token from your account. If you run out of transfer tokens, then you can simply purchase some from the Signata website.

So why have we made XRP not use this mechanism? Well with this specific integration, we're not actually processing the withdrawals. To support the other coins, we have to pay 3rd party services (BlockCypher and Infura) to actually interact with the blockchains. Our Transfer Tokens just give us the ability to recover that cost as part of the service we deliver to you. In the case of XRP, all transactions will be connected directly to the public Ripple network from your Signata desktop client - so there's no need for us to charge for that service to you.

Note: the Ripple network supports far more capability than just sending XRP tokens between addresses. If you'd like to see us bring in more advanced features into Signata for using the Ripple network, please let us know and we'll prioritise it!

So if you're holding onto XRP, why not protect it today with your YubiKey in Signata? It's totally free to sign up, add YubiKeys, and add addresses, especially for sending and receiving your XRP!